I'm not kidding when i ask you this question, because according to studies, it is very much possible for seasons to affect your mood. In fact, it is very common in people these days and is popularly known as SAD, or the Seasonal Affective Disorder. Yes I know, if someone you know said stuff like; its too cold, i'm upset, you'd probably laugh at them and be like; you crazy? but it so happens that it's actually a thing. The changing seasons can literally make you sad, depressed. Ever heard of winter blues?
Here are some of the symptoms to help you realize if the changes in seasons do actually make you sad:
1. Irritability
The first thing you need to notice is if you're particularly irritable on the onset of a season. Your irritability might be about many unrelated things but it mainly starts to occur during the begenning or end of a particular season.
2. Tenderness or low energy
Do you feel much low and sad these days? And there is probably nothing you need to worry about and everything is good, but still, you cant help but feel low?
3. Oversleeping/ Insomnia
Basically any change in the sleeping habits. Are you unable to sleep for the whole night and your lids feel heavy only when the sun is about to rise? Or maybe you slept at 10 at night but still couldn't manage to make up before 10 in the morning?
4. A drastic change in the appetite
You wouldn't eat much before but now suddenly you're so hungry all the time! or maybe you've just lost your appetite, and you want to eat, but you just can't, because even though you didn't eat much, you're full!
5. Sudden weight gain or loss
You might experience some sort of changes in your body weight.
This may or may not be serious, but if you or your friends are suffering from any of the above symptoms, it is advised to see a professional. The best way to battle this is to talk it out with someone close to you, spend more time with friends and family. Perform activities that make you happy. Light therapy has been used immensely to overcome this.
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